
What is sarcoma?

  • A rare type of cancer which originates from mesenchymal tissue and can present as soft tissue, bone or GIST sarcomas.
  • 1% of all cancers worldwide.
  • Approximately 5000 diagnosed cases per year
  • Rare for GP’s and other clinicians to see
  • Earlier detection paramount in patient survival

Our consultation

Manchester Lumps Clinic specialises in earlier detection of soft tissue sarcoma and has a multidisciplinary team to address such concerning lumps ensuring:

  • Rapid assessment
  • Fast, accurate first time diagnostics
  • Urgent soft tissue biopsy with results
  • Multidisciplinary management plans 

Treatment and management

Please refer any patient with:

  • Lump increasing in size, deep, painful, fungating, previous surgery, Rxt
  • Unexplained bone pain, X-ray suspicious features, < 25yrs with bone pain, unexplained fracture

Most patients will require an USS or MRI scan and if suspicious open tissue biopsy (Tru Cut). Further investigations like X-rays and CT scans may be required. 

Principles of management of soft tissue sarcoma are wide surgical excision once diagnosis is established. Occasionally radiotherapy may play a role to assist in treatment.

See Sarcoma UK for further information or get in touch to arrange rapid assessment and investigation 

Read our blog post ‘What is soft tissue sarcoma?’.